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selfoss can be configured using a configuration file or environment variables. All configuration options are optional.

Using a file

This is the easiest way. Just create a config.ini file in the top-level selfoss directory and include any options you want to override.

The file uses PHP’s variant of the INI format: each option is set on a separate line consisting of an option name, followed by = and an option value. Lines starting with ; or empty lines will be ignored. If an option value contains any special characters such as ?{}|&~!()^", e.g. for a database password, it will need to be quoted like db_password="life0fD4ng3r!".

For convenience, the release archive includes config-example.ini file containing the default configuration exported in INI format. To customize the settings, you can:

  1. Rename config-example.ini to config.ini.
  2. Edit config.ini and delete any lines you do not wish to override.

Sample config.ini file which provides password protection


Sample config.ini file with a MySQL database connection


Using environment variables

For environments such as Docker containers or SaaS inspired by Twelve-Factor app, where a persistent file system might not be available, you can also configure selfoss using environment variables.

The variables should start with a SELFOSS_ prefix and be in all-caps. For example, if you want to set auto_mark_as_read option, use SELFOSS_AUTO_MARK_AS_READ variable.